Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Deric can, as many of you know, get something in his head and it is all that is on his mind for a while!! Well, ever since we watched the movie UP, all he talks about are squirrels. He has even started asking for one as a pet. When I said no, he started looking online and found a squirrel fostering program out here in CA. You raise the baby until it is a certain age and then release it into the wild! This was my compromise... meet Deric's "pet" squirrel!


AB said...

Get that boy on some medication.

DM Everitts said...

Muria thinks that this will take the desire away. I think that it will take a few weeks to break her down but some day i will have a Squirrel for a pet. She also forgot to say that i will name it after Her.

DM Everitts said...

Dad you now you'll never get a squirrel!! Even though you and I wont one. :D
Love you

Jess "Ica"

The Kelley Family said...

I have no doubt you will break her down Deric!! Even though I know it is not right... you always get you way don't you??? Ha,ha, ha!
Still waiting to see the movie, the rest of the fam has see it but not me yet! Now you have my interest peaked though... I might go put it in!

Elizabeth said...

Take a look at this blog and their pet squirrel.

Sarah was afraid of the baby squirrel that got in the chicken coop this fall. She thinks you're nuts!

Elizabeth said...

Take a look at this blog and their pet squirrel.

Sarah was afraid of the baby squirrel that got in the chicken coop this fall. She thinks you're nuts!